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Friday, June 17, 2011

2011 June 17

1 : We tripped to Waterloo city. It was great.

2: Ian's poo had a bit blood this evening.

3: Ian weights 7 Kg today.

Friday, June 10, 2011



Participated in a study about how mom processes information influences how baby processes information. Got $20 (first money ian got for us?! except those kind red envelops from families). Even though ian wasn't as active and as happy as usually (due to the fact that he was just awake and waken by us for the study), I was still glad that I participated in the study. Most of the time, I did surveys. Those questions made me think as a new mom, (as as a new comer to Hamilton) how my life has changed (in a negative way except that we now are having a new life joining in our family). And how I just felt sad and perhaps depressed sometimes without thinking how to overcome it as who I was in the past. Not sure if it's the hormones again.

After the study, we decided to spend the $20 (and more) on shopping at T&T perhaps because we were just too bored to think of something else. It wasn't a great trip as imagined. Traffic jam on our way home. made ian and I slept. Don was the one who made a lot of efforts during the trip :D rewarded with some sugar water!
We also got lottery!! not sure if we'll win something this time. just amazed by how don was into it when I said something about lottery :) Should check back tonight!

- Also, great skype meeting last night. at the end, i even gave ian some milk while helping hyunkyung revise her research questions! not so many conflicts any more. (for tonight!)
- gave don a haircut with clipper today! :) very cute hair.
daddy's selection of sun glasses! pretty handsome boy like daddy!


My left breast hurts! (for the first time, my left breast has milk block...) I couldn't think of anything that I should not have eaten. except... the two fried sesame balls with sweet stuff inside yesterday evening at T&T. I hope to keep my 'good' breast with me. don't give me white dots like my right one did...!

Tried to give ian the 'noisy' cloth blocks. He actually grabbed them by himself when I placed the block on his tummy. cute.

後來下午我就發燒了。從37.8一直到38.4感覺很冷,全身酸痛無力,躲在棉被裡。洗熱水澡之後,擠出milk, baby再吸一吸,再冰敷。到晚上睡前退燒了。但還是很痛 :((((

頭髮一把一把的掉。真的是撥一下,摸一下,就掉一把,大概至少一次有20根,光是晚上就已經被我摸掉三四把那麼多的。洗頭吹頭髮那些都還不算。我頭髮從國中一直很多,沒想到掉頭髮會讓我那麼沮喪... 而且,掉黑的會長出白的嗎 ?

媽咪今天視訊還問我是不是剪頭髮了... 沒有剪阿 ... 現在想起來,應該只是掉了很多很多 :'(

we got ian a play mat yesterday (June-14). I think it's a great decision. Ian likes to play on it. at first, he only looked at those toys and looked around. Today don helped him grabbed the toys and he just held them in hands. Really cute. We also made some pictures for ian's LA grandpa! (happy father's day).

Don don, happy father's day too!! You're such a great daddy! I hope we will always see ian's smiles when we wake up in the morning!

Ian split some milk from his nose when he was playing on his tummy on the playmat. A little bit scary (fortunately, I have read it somewhere - it happens). I guess I would still be worried about him if he's placed on his tummy in the crib at night. But when he sleeps on his back, he wakes up twice.. I can't sleep well.

June 19 or 20?

Ian had a lot of fun talking to his LA grandma. She taught him now to turn on google chat! He turned amazingly! (The first time I saw his turn on his own. Don said he saw once when ian was in his crib days ago) Ian was so happy! he kept laughing (seemed very proud of how he could turn over) and talking(?) to his grandma.

- we made a small mistake. when baby turns, he should place his arm over his head. so after he turns, his both arms will near his head to support it. (we kind of taught ian putting his arm by his body...)
June 21, Tue
York. Met with Prof. Owston for my dissertation.
Don and Ian came with me. The same building. When we arrived the same building, I just realized that when we were here last year, I was 47 kg... now 5 kg more. (plus 7 kg on ian).

The meeting was fine. I wasn't as smart as I wanted to be. But okay. I guess I still care ian and don more -- if ian is doing okay, if he is hungry, if he is crying? if don is still running to the restroom?

It turned out that ian was sleeping! He slept on the way to York, drank a little bit (perhaps 3 sips?) before my meeting, and slept on the way to T&T, and finally drank a bit more outside T&T. He is a little amazing considerate baby.

ian 這兩天開始似乎可以接受 轉向左邊趴睡 (day time, mostly)。之前趴著他只願意轉向右邊,尤其是睡覺的時候。只要把他轉到左邊,馬上或過一下子他就會轉到右邊(不管他是不是熟睡時轉...)。他正在小睡,左邊大約睡了一小時半了。不過他的後腦,右邊還是比左邊扁/平滑...什麼時候纔會滾圓呢?
June 24, 2011
今天開始觀察紀錄ian的作息 pretty amazing finding. --> plan: 每四小時喝一次 9:00-11 p.m. 無限供應:D
昨天晚上10:30 last milk, 11:00 sleep
woke up 7:50 in the morning. 7:50 milk
9-10:30 sleep
12:50 milk,
1:30-4:30 milk
4:45 milk
6:45-7:15 sleep, 8:20 bath
8:40 milk (5 mins) --> 吐奶 兩大口
9:30 milk (40 mins)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

yoyo 5-month old

ian 2-month-2-week old


June-3-2011 (Friday)

Took ian for a walk in the afternoon. An old lady in our building looked at ian and said he seemed hungry (which was less possible since he just had milk) and commented that at some point, babies are always hungry. That's true.Then, an old couple saw us and came close to us, asking how old is he, and what do we call him. :) Just like they have known him for a while. :)

Now I know why ian has less hair compared to months ago. I saw him grabbing perhaps 10-20 hair in his little (left) hand after scratching his head.

June-5 (Sunday)

Ian likes to sleep on his tommy but only facing right. I am a bit worried about his neck. his head also has a small bump on left (because when sleeping on his back, he often turns his head to the right too). now trying to have him hold a rolled blanket and sleep on his left side. hope it will work.

June-6 (Monday)
Ian slept 8 hours in a row last night!!! (10:30- 6:30) I slept around 7 hours!! wow!! what an improvement!

惠齡 says: (11:40:18 AM)
how are you doing today?

keys says: (11:40:29 AM)
never better!

keys says: (11:40:39 AM)
ian slept 8 hours in a row last night

keys says: (11:41:08 AM)
i slept 7 hours in a row. probably the best sleep i got since February

惠齡 says: (11:41:10 AM)

keys says: (11:41:38 AM)
in a row 就是一排阿 意思是ㄧ次沒有間斷

呵呵 也是in a "roll"啦 被包起來...

Sunday, May 29, 2011


May-29-2011 (Sunday)

found ian's one leg and feet outside his crib when i woke up at 5.30 a.m. this morning. (his head bumped on the rail yesterday morning too) That was cute. but also a bit scary if we didn't pay close attention and put the rail down. I guess it's time for washing the crib pads for protection.

also he slept on his tummy (close to the outside rail) when i was ready to bed last night. i guess don put him into bed on his back, and he turned on his own. (even in swaddle!? he has got one arm out though) I turned him back anyway, just to be safe, as he hasn't been very skillful for turns yet.

He sometimes paused and turned to look at me while having his milk, and he would talk to me! He wasn't just making some noises because he was trying to make "a" sound. For example, I asked him if he would like some more milk 好不好? He stared at me, paused, and said (有點用力)好~ I said you're amazing! Then he would laugh, seem really happy!

I notice that he starts looking at me sometimes during nursing. :) Cute! I also like him looking at me when his sitting in his car seat, like I am the person he loves forever. *^^* I hope it's true no matter how tall/ old he grows.
Ian slept 7.5 hours in a row at night. (he goes to bed around 11 p.m. and then he wakes up at 6.30a.m.)

I said yes to a baby-mom study. A Mac student will come for a home visit and type our interaction to study how new moms process information and how it influences the way infants process information. kind of cool.

Ian wanted to sleep on this tummy in the afternoon... He was kind of fussy around 2:30 and I took him to our bed. After he had some milk, he tried to turn his face down (tried really hard). Surprisingly, he wanted to sleep on his tummy. (Once I helped him turn over, he seemed relieved and fell asleep right away!)

went to toronto island with don's friend Johnny Wu. Ian has been very well-behaved since yesterday evening (we went to Boston Pizza for dinner) he was very cooperated. even for today's trip to toronto island. He drank milk at beach! lots of sea birds around.

But... after Johnny left for his hotel, ian woke up on 403 during rash hour. Damn traffic jam... we were stuck on the highway with an extremely hungry baby. He cried so loud and tearful. With his watery eyes, he finally got his milk after perhaps 20 minutes? poor little thing. then he pooped, so we had to stop somewhere again to change his diaper. He then became a happy cute baby afterward!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


前一天發現ian尿布裡的便便有血點跟血絲。今天我不喝牛奶豆漿蛋肉,早上跟下午的就正常了。看來可能是過敏造成直腸有點發炎 (delicious tag:, baby.symptons)。只是...對什麼過敏呢?

不跟青蛙猴子說話了? 前兩個禮拜ian可愛的跟猴子青蛙談笑,這幾天只是看著他們安靜的抿嘴或是不轉的時候哎哎叫,當說,難道是ian發現他說再多他朋友都不會說話嗎?

中午餵完奶拍嗝 讓ian在我肩上趴了一陣子。之後放到crib跟前一次一樣,又揮手抓頭恩恩阿阿快要醒來,於是,我讓他頭向左趴著,掙扎了一下子安靜的睡著。雖然ian已經可以抬頭,我煎蛋的過程不停的出來check他,最後一次check他已經自己轉頭面向右邊。嚇了我一跳。

因為三天沒有喝牛奶了,清晨左小腿抽筋痛得醒來:( 早上喝了一小杯鮮奶,等等來吃一個維他命。希望ian不會過敏了。

晚上牙齒超痛! 吃了兩個ibp止痛,整個太陽穴還是很痛,不過在鐺鐺的提議下,用力against pillow慢慢睡著了。好後悔沒有早點去看牙醫。不過看牙醫(要找到值得信任的...)真的很麻煩...。


今天大費周章拍了一些ian大頭照,用photoshop element 8編輯了正確大小的照片之後,仔細看canadian passport photo規定,一定要taken by commercial photographer 還要有photographer住址日期的stamp. 真是令人:( 明天去costco看看他們會幫小嬰兒拍照嗎

weekend to do: edit ian's passport photo

Thursday, May 19, 2011


奶油大蒜醬 (奶油,蒜末,parsley leaves, 咖哩塊,糖,少許鹽)
炒杏鮑菇 煮好的白菜 加上自製dried番茄 in olive oil (醃兩個禮拜以上好吃)
可加ham & onion

快收乾時,加入cheese (這次是用切小塊的feta cheese)
